Young Leader Programs

This program was launched in 2012, providing a unique opportunity for highly qualified, motivated and talented individuals with the potential to become future leaders who are skilled in areas relevant to Al Salem Johnson Controls operations. In order to be competitive for this highly selective program, candidates need to demonstrate a commitment to excellence, proven academic success, professional achievement, and leadership capability or potential. The YLPs throughout the program that stretches over a period between 18 and 24 months, get involved in projects and assignments with Al-Salem’s leaders, as well as provided with online and classroom training, as well as the company allocating a mentor to be their guide and motivational coach. The program covers different technical and nontechnical areas, as Al-Salem Johnson Controls is looking for young leaders in HR, Finance, and Marketing etc.

Please note that the YLP is not a program recognized by Ministries or governmental bodies. This is an internal initiative started by Al Salem and has since been recognized by many Johnson Controls branches, and similar programs have been started by them.